Tuesday, July 20

losing weight the healthy way

Orang yang ada gangguan makan selalunya beri alasan tak nak makan atau terlebih makan. Ramai yang nak kurus, tapi berapa ramai yang kurus dengan cara yang betul? Many opt for the easy way out by ingesting products yang menjanjikan "cepat kurus" (i'm one of the victim!) Some people use extreme method to control their weight such as hardcore dieting, throwing up ( I wud never wanna do that! ) or extreme exercising.

Is this what you really want?!

Come on! Kalau ya pun nak kurus, tak perlulah nak menyeksa diri. Let it slim down naturally with proper diet dan exercise!  Tips for healthy ways are exercise regularly and healthy eating, avoid eating disorder. Or else you wud end up like the above picture.


Before I begin writing and posting entries, here's my introduction. Health is Wealth is my fourth blog after my personal, cooking and my books blog.  The reason I started this blog is to share what I read, my knowledge and my experiences with my readers (if I have any). Here, I would like to express my thanks to my family, Mr. Stan Toler who has gave me an inspiration to write about health, Pn. Sharifah Hanim the aerobic instructor and my avid readers from my other blogs.

This blog is all about health and I'll share with you guys as much as possible because sharing is caring. 
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