Wednesday, November 30

aku masuk majalah!

Seronok juga bila kisah tentang diri dipaparkan dalam majalah, apatah lagi bila kisah berjaya turunkan berat badan. Aku pun tak sangka...semuanya berlaku tiba2. Somewhere last month, Diyana sms aku. "Yanti, monday petang standby di studio ya. Ada orang nak interview you". At first, aku ingatkan Diyana melawak. So tak ambil pot sangat. it took me awhile to reply.....then "Serius ke? Jangan melawak". "Seriuslah! Kalau tak nak, i cari orang baru taw!"

That Monday evening, aku sampai awal, reporter sampai lewat sebab hujan lebat. Jenuh juga menunggu. Hampir menjangkau pukul 6 baru selesai photo-shoot tu. Mulanya ambil gambar dalam studio, tapi lighting tak cantik. So kami pergi ke clubhouse, posing tepi kolam renang. 

Tapi ada satu perkara yg aku kurang puas hati... aku tak mentioned langsung pasal 'mengandung', memandai2 jer reporter tu. Yang aku beritahu ialah selalu rasa malas, tak ada stamina, bukannya pasal mengandung. Kalau ya pun nak lariskan magazine, janganlah over plak! Choi!!!!

last but no least, thank you to Rafflesia Aerobic team! 

Monday, October 24


Firstly, gambar2 ni bukan nak MENGAIBKAN sesiapa tapi nak jadikan peringatan kepada diri sendiri! Kalau bukan kita yg INGATKAN diri sendiri, siapa lagi, kan? 

Aku takut sekiranya aku ENDUP macam ni! Huuu-semangat! Takut! Bila dah 'sihat walafiat' macam ni, banyak perkara negatif timbul. Pertama, for sure my self-esteem akan DOWN, penyakit mula hinggap especially penyakit MALAS sebab badan dah 'ringan' sangat. 

Another thing yang aku takutkan ialah aku ni kategori tinggi. Imagine kalau aku 'COMEI' dan TINGGI. Tak ke macam GORILA rupanya! Nauzubillah... 

Bukan nak bangga diri tapi alhamdulillah, aku rajin juga buat CARDIO workout. At least 1 hour, 3x a week, paling malas pun 1x seminggu. At least buat drpd tak buat langsung. Apart from being healthy, I wanna look GOOD for myself and most importantly, FEEL good. When I feel good, i'll always HAPPY and hv a +VE mind. 

I'm willing to fork out my cardio class RM60 permonth  for my health now rather than paying THOUSANDS of ringgit for my SICKNESS later. To me, my HEALTH is my WEALTH. Wikends, I do cycle with my kids  or playing badminton with my soulmate. 

Kalau penyakit nak datang jugak, aku REDHA. at least aku dah buat preparation....

Monday, July 18

endurance drink

It's a drink for endurance during workout, for muscle recovery & enhance rehydration. Highly recommended. Price for members is BELOW RM100, non-member ABOVE RM100. It comes with two flavour, orange and lemonade. 

Saturday, July 16

guilty or not guilty?!

my fav moist fudge cake...

I feel GUILTY for not having this delicious meal....

This is my GUILTY secret but I dont feel GUILTY at all bcoz I eat then I burn!

Monday, June 13

Rafflesia Aerobic Studio!

From Rozza Studio to Rafflesia Studio. This is some sort of a 'big migration'. New place, meet new friends but 'old aerobic-buddies' still stick together.  The gym is much larger than what I was used to and most important is amenity. Amenity here means keselesaan & kemudahan eg toilet and privacy! Outsider wont be able to see you 'terkinja-kinja'! Cardio class is still the same since our instructor pun migrate sama but hopefully with the new environment, our instructor can accomodate the latest dance beat so that the students can be more energetic. To me, song is a big influence in cardio aerobic bcoz fun equals to strees-free workout.

Best decision of my gym life. I fell in love with this group aerobic-class. So much so, that I went 3 classes a week, 1 hour each class. Lencun habis dibuatnya... thanks to our instructor, Kak Leen. There are few new faces among us like standing far right (yati and yuna, is it?)  but that's not a problem... old buddies can easily mingle with everyone.

From L-R: Su, Kak Liza, dan Ayu... my aerobic-buddies.

I had so much fun, that I didn’t care about messing up the moves or looking a little silly.  I was moving, grooving and having a blast while at the same time, burning a ton of calories. Same goes to this photo session, do any pose you like coz this is a stress-free cardio class!

Sunday, April 24

Aerobic class

This is my aerobic group at RozzaStudio. I've been enjoying this class since last year. My main target is to get fit, to keep my health in the right track and to feel good about myself. Apart from that, I make new friends. Thanks to Kak Leen, the instructor, whose also give us support to keep us going.

will update on next vid.
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