If you had an extra room in your home, what would you do with it? Like me, i rather have my own fully equipped gym. Above is a house of a friend. She bought two houses, next to each other and turn the second house into this! Jeles ai taw!!!!!
Those who love exercises will admit that it is one of the most enjoyable activities to do, especially in one's free time. Tapi frankly, kalau korang tanya aku, ada disadvantage, which is after some times, kita akan naik bosan sebab workout sorang2. Kalau kita gi gim or fitness centre, kita ada kawan2, kita ada clique, ada geng. There's always something that motivate us to attend the session. Like me, i joined group aerobic since 2007 dan pergi gym sekali-sekala kalau ada geng.
Maybe ada org suka exercise sendiri-sendiri, tak suka ramai2, more privasi, ataupun segan. Ikut preference memasinglah kan. Yang penting workout and get sweat! As for me, either way pun boleh... mini gym atau g fitness center. I consider a mini gym as a bonus if i have one! Hehehe...